Broadstairs Water Gala

Wednesday 24th July 2024

Full details of the year’s activities and attractions will be updated soon – watch this space!

I've not heard anything yet, sorry!

View website here.

Broadstairs Summer Fireworks

Wednesday July 24th Onwards

Come and see the fireworks light up the sky over beautiful Viking Bay. See a fantastic firework display in the skies of Broadstairs. The first display will be on Wednesday July 24th (Water Gala Day) with The Decades Showband playing on the bandstand from 8pm. The following displays feature music from The Nylon Tigers on Wednesday July 31st, The Dial on Wednesday August 21st and the last display of the summer season on Wednesday August 28th features the ever-popular Ozzie and the Uglies. A very special thank you to Broadstairs & St Peters Town Council, Broadstairs & St Peters Chamber of Commerce plus the other sponsors and volunteers that help to make these events possible. Please Note: that the public toilets by the Bandstand and Harbour Street will NOT be open on these nights. Portaloos will be on Victoria Gardens.

Supported By Broadstairs and St Peters Town Council
View Fireworks website here.

Folk Week

Wednesday 24th July 2024

The festival benefits and always has done, from an amazing army of volunteers without whom Folk Week would not happen. They do everything from taking tickets from the door, staffing the Festival Centre, the campsite, driving minibuses – all in exchange for a season ticket. The festival has changed over the years from being an event that was organised and catered for a core of enthusiasts and experts in English traditional folk music and dance into an event that still attracts that audience, but also involves the whole town. In 2012, Kent County Council carried out an independent survey of the Economic Benefit of Festivals in East Kent. Folk Week had by far the most significant impact with an estimated £2.3 million into the local economy. But that’s not why people get involved with the festival – they love Folk Week, the music, the song and dance and making life-long friends.

View website here.

Broadstairs Autumn Food Festival

Friday 27th - Sunday 29th September 2024

In 2008, members of various groups in Broadstairs came together, keen to explore ways to promote the town and to showcase its many independent shops, restaurants and pubs. The idea was to create a festival, which would support the High Street, promote the area's small food and drink producers and encourage visitors to explore all that the three coastal towns of Broadstairs, Margate and Ramsgate had to offer. It was agreed, from the start, that the festivals should be community led, fun and available to all so a commitment was made to have FREE entry – a commitment that holds strong today. The first festival, in 2009, was an immediate success thanks to the response from food and drink producers - and the band of volunteer helpers who gathered to stage the event. And the rest, as they say, is history!

View website here.